
High quality does not have to cost a fortune

We bring comfort to every workplace

Der clevere Weg zum Premium Büro

Heute ist wichtiger denn je, dass sowohl zu Hause als auch im Büro hochqualitative Arbeitsplätze zur Verfügung stehen. Doch der Kauf eines ergonomischen Arbeitsplatzes ist oft umständlich und teuer.

Deshalb haben Christian und Jonas ofinto geschaffen. ofinto verbindet Premium Qualität und erstklassige Ergonomie mit der Einfachheit und Flexibilität des Onlinehandels. Um dies zu erreichen, haben wir den gesamten Ablauf von der nachhaltigen Beschaffung über die Auslieferung bis zur Montage von Grund auf neu konzipiert:

Wir verkaufen unser sorgfältig ausgewähltes Sortiment an eigenen Büromöbeln direkt online ohne Zwischenhändler. Dadurch sparen unsere Kundinnen und Kunden bis zu 50 % im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Premium Ausstattern und profitieren von Lieferzeiten von weniger als 5 Tagen.

Hier geht's zum Bericht im St.Galler Tagblatt über die Gründung von ofinto.

Christian und Jonas - die Gründer von ofinto

The smart way to a premium office

Today it is more important than ever to have high quality workstations both at home and in the office. But buying an ergonomic workstation is often cumbersome and expensive.


That's why Christian and Jonas created ofinto. ofinto combines premium quality and first-class ergonomics with the simplicity and flexibility of online trading. To achieve this, we have designed the entire process from scratch, from sustainable sourcing to delivery and assembly:


We sell a carefully selected range of our own office furniture directly online without middlemen. This allows our customers to save up to 50% compared to traditional premium furnishers and benefit from delivery times of less than 5 days.

ofinto stands for premium quality, fair prices and substainability

Premium quality

Industry-leading specifications

We sell products with industry-leading specifications that are otherwise only found in the high-price segment.

Outstanding ergonomics

Whether it's a synchronised seat mechanism or ideal seat depth settings - our products are uncompromisingly ergonomic.

Built to last

We use only high-quality materials and a timeless design without visible welds or screws. We underline our performance promise with a 5-year guarantee.

Delivery, assembly & disposal

Retailer margin

Manufacturer's margin

Material & production


Save up to 50 %


Delivery, assembly & disposal

Retailer margin

Manufacturer's margin

Material & production


Save up to 50 %


Fair & Transparent Prices

Premium quality direct to you

Traditional retail chains and multiple intermediaries unnecessarily drive up prices. Our streamlined direct sales approach puts an end to that – offering fair prices without compromising on quality.

Traditional retail chains and multiple intermediaries unnecessarily drive up prices. Our streamlined direct sales approach puts an end to that – offering fair prices without compromising on quality.

Sustainability and responsibility

Climate neutral and sustainable

From production to home delivery - we offset our entire CO2 emissions through selected climate projects in Switzerland and worldwide with our partner Swiss Climate®. The sustainable wood production of our table tops guarantees the FSC 100% certification. For transport, we use rail instead of truck whenever possible.

Social responsibility

Every year, we donate a portion of our earnings to charitable organizations that share our concern for making the world and the working environment a better place for our fellow human beings and future generations.

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